Our Services
If you have any questions about your pet’s need for treatment or a specific aspect of our service, please call the veterinary practice or e-mail us.
We offer a complete veterinary service
The practice provides a full range of services and our veterinary care is underpinned by the use of a full range of modern treatments. A list of services is detailed below:
If your pet is ill or you have a routine care query then you may arrange a consultation with one of our vets
When we are presented with a particularly difficult case or an exotic pet, then we may refer it on to a vet who specialises in that field
Weight Watchers Clinics
Dieting your pet might sound easier than dieting yourself but many people find this not to be the case
Puppy Parties
There is much to learn with a new puppy and it is important to get the basics right from day one
Dental Care Clinics
Dental disease is a very common complaint in our pets and has all the drawbacks of the condition when found in humans
Pet Passports
These days everyone travels more, even our pets and this is due to pet passports
Should your pet stray or for any reason get separated from you and be scanned by a rescue organisation or vet then your details are immediately to hand
The general rule is an initial course as a baby and then annual booster to keep the immunity levels high
Over the years we have invested heavily in our radiology suite and now have a top quality digital system
Full Operating Facilities
We have many specialised tools to help us perform the various surgical tasks we undertake
Laboratory Facilities
An ever increasing part of our job involves using laboratory techniques to improve our diagnosis and treatment of our patients
We have safe warm kennels installed to make the stay of your pet as comfortable as possible
Make an appointment with us!
For more information about neutering, or to book your pet in for an appointment with us, please call our Chandlers Ford Surgery on 023 8025 2543 or our Boyatt Wood Surgery on 023 8062 9050